Kayla Kenya Clinic

With each missions trip World Hope hosts, we seem to gain far more than we leave behind. Some travelers gain perspective, others friendships; some even come to faith in Christ. Almost every traveler though, gains a greater sense of God’s presence. It is easy to understand when you see how God orchestrates each trip. God knows how each one will be able to use their specific talent or skill; like plumbing, electrical or even sign language; how just the right people will be on the trip, and how everyone seems to fit in just the right place. This summer’s trip to Kenya was no exception. If anything, it was a great expression of this recurring theme.

 The medical clinic was a perfect example of this. Upon arrival in Kenya, we found out we had half the space we normally do to run a clinic. What we planned for months now had to be rearranged in hours. Miraculously, we had plenty of space and the clinic ran smoother than ever before.  We saw One thousand and one patients in the clinic – a record even for us.  We gave all the students at the Academy and Senior School their yearly physicals as well. Upon entering the clinic, we gave each patient some time to spend with the evangelism team, where we shared the Hope and love of Christ.  Fifty-eight people accepted Christ during those clinic days, and that alone would have made our trip a huge success.

 Another great success of the trip this year was seeing David.  Some of you may remember David from last year.  He was the two and a half year old boy who had the body weight of a one year old and could not walk.  He, by most standards, was an infant but was almost three.  One of the doctors in the clinic diagnosed him last year with a heart defect.  Through many blessings and miracles, David was able to have a life-saving surgery that, had he been born in America, would have happened before leaving the hospital.  David came back to the clinic this year, an active and imaginative three year old, not only walking but also running, and getting bigger and bigger by the day.  For those who had heard David’s story, seeing one of God’s miracles first hand was nothing short of amazing.

God’s hand was supremely evident in the children’s program.  Due to space issues in the clinic, we moved many of the daily children’s activities to the academy campus.  This worked out better than any of us could have planned.  Many who have been with us numerous times shared how they were able to spend nearly double the time with kids this year – talking, playing or sharing the Word.  Many travelers also got the chance to participate in a daylong VBS.  We set up stations for a drama, a craft, a dance, and games, all centered around John 14:6.  It was a phenomenal day indeed.

The stories and blessings from the trip could go on and on. We are excited to share some specific stories and words from travelers this year with you.  Be sure to stay updated with us to hear about the trip from others’ perspectives throughout the year.  If you are interested in joining us next year, you can always contact hopetrips@weareworldhope.com.

Kenya Kids Dale Zehnder