The impact that can be made in global missions working together as a team is incredible! World Hope is eternally grateful to all of our partners who help sustain such a large portion of the ministry and work we accomplish around the world for the poor, hungry, and forgotten. In this update, we want to personally highlight and give BIG thanks to YBOA, HSMAI, and Feeding Children Everywhere, for all that they have done to pray, give, and go with World Hope.

Youth Basketball of America (YBOA) is much more than the name implies. Actually, YBOA has supported kids all over the world and the lives of literally hundreds of them have been blessed through their generosity. We are very happy YBOA has partnered with World Hope to support young people at our Hope Center in Kenya. Not only have they sent uniforms, backpacks, basketballs by the hundreds, volleyballs, and many other usable items and equipment, but they also have been generous in giving financially as well. Because of the investment of this wonderful organization, the lives of many young people have been enriched over and over again. Thanks for all you do for our kids in Kenya!

HSMAI of Central Florida is the leading professional association for sales and marketing professionals involved in the tourism, travel, and hospitality industry in Central Florida. This association is greatly involved in supporting local charities, and through member Frank DaCosta, World Hope has been greatly supported by HSMAI’s contributions. Each month HSMAI holds a meeting and recently they allowed our Vice President, Derek Janney, and several of our faithful Hope volunteers to share a few minutes about what we’re accomplishing around the world. Not to mention, during our medical clinics that we set up on our trips, HSMAI has been crucial in providing what are called “med packs” to supply our stations in Kenya. Thank you for donating two med packs (we know they are costly!) for this year’s Kenya trip.

Fellow partner in fighting global hunger, Feeding Children Everywhere, has made a deep impact in helping to nourish our loved ones in Kawangware slum. Feeding Children Everywhere is a social charity that empowers and mobilizes people to assemble healthy meals for hungry children. Their headquarters are located just a few miles away from us here in Orlando, FL. They have created a healthy and tasty lentil casserole dish that includes rice, savory spices, and dried veggies at a minimal packaging cost of $.25. Through a valuable connection, Feeding Children Everywhere packaged and shipped over 60,000 meals for our new high school students in Kenya! We have not stopped hearing the gratitude from our staff in Kenya and we look forward to seeing our friends there enjoying these meals! Thank you for loving and caring for our students and for your meals that feed the hungry. P.S. Check out what Time magazine said about Feeding Children Everywhere!