We have an abundance of trips planned and scheduled on our calendar in 2015. I hope one of them will be your trip with us this year. Come with us to Kenya during the summer or make plans for a trip to Detroit many times throughout the year. Get your hands dirty and your hearts refreshed like never before. Every trip is a life changing experience….go! We need you to help bring the world Hope.
We are very excited to share the following trip dates with you. Even though there are a couple of weeks left in 2014, we are letting you know about our 2015 trips a bit early. And more dates could be on the way! As always, please feel free to address any questions you may have regarding trips to Hopetrips@weareworldhope.com.
Scheduled World Hope Trips in 2015:
March 24th-29th – Detroit
April 21st-26th -Detroit
June 15th-24th – Kenya
August 4th-9th – Detroit
September 1st-6th -Detroit
October 6th-11th -Detroit
Please keep all of these trips in your prayers, and let us know which one you would like to join us on!