A Legacy of Hope
In February of 2001, World Hope held its first evangelistic crusade in Manila, Philippines. Over 350,000 people attended that event, and thousands put their faith in Jesus as Savior. In 2003, World Hope held its second event in Manila, and 1,000,000 people stood in the pouring rain of a typhoon to hear the message of hope and salvation. Almost 30 new churches were started around the metropolitan area, and many more Bible studies were begun to disciple the thousands of new believers.

In 2007 World Hope returned to the Philippines, this time holding three nights of events in three different metropolitan areas across the country. Again, many trusted Jesus, over 1,000 were baptized, and a number of churches were started as a result.
Beyond the evangelistic impact in the Philippines, a great deal of training of local pastors, teachers, and church members was accomplished through the ministry of World Hope in the Philippines. There is a continuing effort to work with our partner churches there to hold training courses in evangelism and discipleship. Our “Fishers of Men” program and our “Fruit Bearing Christian” curriculum are laying a solid foundation that continues to provide a basis for rapid growth in reaching all the islands of the Philippines and throughout the Pacific Rim. We are blessed to have strong roots in this country and leaders committed to seeing the Gospel spread throughout the land to bring revival and hope to its people.
How can YOU help?
We believe YOU are the difference in bringing hope to the hopeless. You can help make a difference by praying, giving or going.
We understand we can’t do this alone would you pray with us that we can impact our world in a life changing way.
Giving to World Hope accelerates hope where it is desperately needed, it could be the difference of a child having hope.
Join us on a missions trip and bring Hope with a smile, a helping hand and invest in people that need Hope.